Trusted by 3,500+ companies
Highest rated healthcare partner
5,00,000+ members
Free end-to-end claims assistance
Comprehensive health
insurance for members
coupled with a range
of wellness benefits!
Bundled with healthcare plans customized to suit your team needs
Get up to 20% discount on medicines and up to 65% on diagnostics
Consult general physician or a specialist over chat or voice call
Provide health benefits to your on-role, off-role, contractual and freelance employees
FREE hospitalization and claims concierge support by our Good Doctors team
Provide life insurance cover, personal accident, and health cover under a single membership
Disclaimer: The coverage might vary depending on the plan chosen
In-patient hospitalization charges including nursing expenses, medicine charges, doctor fees, room rent, etc is covered.
Over 150+ treatments that require hospitalization for less than 24 hours are covered
30 days pre and 60 days post hospitalization charges borne by the insured are covered
Ayurevda, unani, sidha and homeopathy treatments are covered up to the sum insured
Expenses related to delivery-caesarean or normal are covered.
Discounts available on pharmacy, diagnostic orders + doctor consultations as well
In case of unavailability of hospital beds, treatment done at home is covered up to a specified limit
Visiting doctor on OPD basis is not covered
Treatments for dental or cosmetics unless caused due to an accident are not covered
Self-imposed injuries are not covered
Hospitalization for less than 24 hours classified as not a day care treatment is not covered
In just 4 simple steps get quality healthcare benefits for your employees
Share your company details
Select a healthcare plan that best meets your team’s needs and budget
Monthly or annual payment – choose a model that aligns with your working capital
Add and manage your team members in Teamsure dashboard on the go
Closed this in Feb with @onsurity in record time (trust @NowEntrepreneur to ensure that)33 lives covered. One claim already processed. Immaculate processes and service orientation.
A big shoutout to folks at Onsurity.Kulin Shah has built a delightful Customer First Company. Brilliant mate.I am still wondering how can you get the 'Surgery Amount' sanctioned by the TPA in 3 hours? Thanks a ton from Bombay Locale™.
Shout-out for @onsurity This was the first time I was claiming insurance, & I didn’t know the ABCs of it. Had an impression - either process would be tiring or would have too many T&Cs (to avoid claim)